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Personnel Manager

Personnel Manager / Human Resources.

Yeoman (YN)

YNs are human relations problem-solvers, uniquely specialized to support the needs of the military. You'll assist with the hiring and separation of members, and manage personnel records to ensure pay and entitlements are correct. For members' major life events, from promotions to moves or even adding new dependents to the Coast Guard family, you'll make sure it happens seamlessly. YNs are assigned to a wide variety of units.


YNs receive an 8-week rating course in Petaluma, CA, with instruction in human resources, record management, payroll accounting, travel reimbursement, and personnel transfers.
Paralegal training.
Specifically, the Yeoman Business Administration and Management and Paralegal Studies programs are available to the YN rating.


You must be able to perform the

following to graduate from recruit training:

• PUSH-UPS: (in 1 minute)

Male: 29 | Female: 15

• SIT-UPS: (in 1 minute)

Male: 38 | Female: 32

• 1.5 MILE RUN: (minutes)

Male: 12:51 | Female: 15:26


five-foot platform, swim 100 meters and

tread water for 5 minutes.


Qualification Criteria:

• Be a U.S. citizen or a resident alien

• Be between the ages of 17-41

• Have a high school diploma

• Pass the ASVAB with a minimum score of 36

• Meet height/weight and medical standards

• Have no more than three dependents

(spouse and children)

• Pass a military entrance medical exam

• Pass a background check

• Pass a credit check